Kempsey P.S
Bedford Pumps produce a Fish Friendly variant of their submersible axial and bowl pumps and their vertical turbines pumps, which were developed following EU legislation which was brought into effect in 2007 to tackle the rapid decline in global populations of the European eel. In order to breed, eels must return to their migration grounds in the Sargasso Sea. Obstructions which impede their journey, such as pumping stations, may be a contributing factor to their fall in numbers.
Bedford Pumps range of Fish Friendly pumps have been stringently tested by independent consultants VisAdvies BV, and awarded an “Excellent” rating for their ability to pass fish and eels without mortality.
Duties cover from 400 to 10,000 litres per second at 2m to 14m head. Larger capacity pumps can also be designed to meet specific requirements.
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Cam P.S
Pump on trial
Hatzic Lake